All applicants for a Student visa must show they are coming to Australia temporarily to gain a quality education. The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement is not intended to exclude students who, after studying in Australia, develop skills Australia needs and who then go on to apply for permanent residence.

Include a personal statement addressing the GTE requirement in the application form

In the online student visa application form, you will need to provide a personal statement in English addressing the GTE requirement. This statement is to be 300 words in total (a 2000 character limit applies). The statement needs to address your personal circumstances for undertaking your proposed study in Australia.

In addition to the written statement in the application form, you will also be required to attach supporting documents to ImmiAccount.

Generic statements unsupported by evidence will not be weighed heavily in the GTE assessment.

We consider your personal circumstances when we make a decision. When we assess whether you are a genuine temporary entrant, we consider your situation as a whole.​

Ministerial Direction 69 (52KB PDF) sets out a number of factors we take into account when determining if you meet the GTE requirement. It is not a checklist. We encourage you to read Ministerial Direction 69 before drafting your GTE statement. Examples of factors we might take into account include:

What evidence and information to include

We encourage you to provide evidence or information about:

Previous study

  • academic transcripts showing qualifications achieved
  • name of the education provider(s)
  • length of study
  • certificates of attainment

Gap in previous study

  • reasons why there is a gap in your studies including where you did not maintain enrolment

Current employment

  • your current employer
  • company address
  • period of employment
  • details of your position
  • the name and contact details of someone who can confirm the circumstances of your employment

Ties to home country or country of residence

  • evidence of financial, family or social ties. You need to show you have significant incentives to return home

Economic situation in home country or country of residence

  • documents showing employment or business activities for 12 months before lodging an application
  • potential employment offers including salary and other benefits,  after course completion
  • income tax return or bank statements

Employment in a third country

Potential employment offers, including salary and other benefits, after course completion ​

How we assess GTE

The GTE requirement is used to make sure the student visa program is accessed as intended. The student visa program is not a way for international students to maintain ongoing residency in Australia.

The GTE requirement helps identify applicants who are using the student visa program for motives other than gaining a quality education.

Situations in your home country (or country of residence)

We consider your:

  • reason for not studying in your home country or region if a similar course is available there
  • ties to your home country that support an intention to return after study is finished
  • economic situation
  • military service commitments
  • political and civil unrest in your home country

Potential situation in Australia

We consider your:

  • ties to Australia that present a strong incentive to stay in Australia
  • level of knowledge of the proposed course and education provider
  • previous study and qualifications
  • planned living arrangements
  • financial stability

Value of the course to your future

We consider:

  • if the course is consistent with your current level of education
  • if the course is relevant to past or proposed future employment in your home country or a third country
  • expected salary and other benefits in your home country or a third country obtained with your qualifications from the proposed course of study

Your immigration history

We consider:

  • previous visa applications for Australia or other countries
  • visa refusals or cancellations

If you are a minor, we consider the intentions of your parent, legal guardian or spouse.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at:

Contact : 01-5199100
Toll-Free : 1660-01-33999
Whatsapp : 9761744542
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